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Malvertising 101: How to Combat The Spread of Malware from Ads
6 September 2022
Malvertising 101: How to Combat The Spread of Malware from Ads

When you browse the web, you may come across a variety of online threats. And these threats aren't limited to malicious websites. If you're not careful, you could accidentally infect your computer with malicious software even when visiting the most legitimate of sites.

But how's that possible? In a word, malvertising.

Malvertising (malicious advertising) is a relatively new cyberattack technique that inserts malicious code into digital advertisements. These infected ads are usually served to consumers through legitimate advertising networks, making them difficult to detect by both internet users and publishers.
The advertisements appear tempting, genuine, and to be from a trustworthy source. The host website owner may not even be aware that malvertising is being displayed on their site. read more...

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Phishing vs. Vishing vs. Smishing: Differences
5 September 2022
Phishing vs. Vishing vs. Smishing: Differences

Before you do anything online, familiarize yourselves with your opponents.

Returning to the ‘brick through the window’ analogy, part of the preparation for a break-in is knowing the criminals' tactics. If you know a thief is going to use a brick to break in, add double glazing.

Similarly, if your business is to stay safe online, you need to know the common practices of hackers. This is where this article comes in handy. We’ll focus on three of these tactics: phishing, vishing, and smishing (we promise we didn’t make those words up). read more...

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DDoS Protection from Trust.zone is Available with Discount
17 August 2022
DDoS Protection from Trust.zone is Available with Discount

The distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) is it’s a type of cyberattack cybercriminals use to force people offline. The main concept of DDoS attack is to flood your IP or your network with tons of unwanted requests and traffic. Tons of mailware-infected compromised devices (botnet) worldwide start sending unwanted traffic to you to make your IP or network unable to process requests. As a result, you and your business may remain offline for a while.

The great news is that all Trust.Zone VPN servers have a reliable protection from DDoS attacks. Trust.Zone has one of the best anti-DDoS solutions on the market. read more...

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Banking and Cyber Threat: How to Protect Your Bank Account Online
16 January 2022
Banking and Cyber Threat: How to Protect Your Bank Account Online

Today, a lot of banks’ financial operations are executed through different means of technology. The account holders can send money, do the transactions, and pay through their cards digitally to buy online products, etc. In all of these circumstances, the internet is the crucial facilitator that allows carrying out all the financial operations.

The hackers are active on the internet to steal the personal content of users to achieve their malicious goals. Banking is one of the most susceptible and highly targeted areas, where account numbers are hacked to steal money. Some of the common cyber threats attached to banking are: read more...

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6 Cyber Security Trends to Dominate 2022
12 January 2022
6 Cyber Security Trends to Dominate 2022

For anyone who uses the internet, cyber attacks remain a big concern.

Cyber attackers are getting smarter. They always have a trick or two to breach the most secure systems.

Technologies like internet banking, online payments, cloud computing, and crypto exchanges are great. That said, there is an element of vulnerability about them. It forces users and organizations to take protective measures to avoid any disaster. So, as the cyber world continues to advance, what trends can we expect in 2022?

In this post, we will talk about the most dominant cyber security trends in 2022. So you can stay well-prepared to counter any security threats. read more...

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Malware Attacks are on the Rise: 7 Tips to Protect Your Website Against Malware
11 September 2021
Malware Attacks are on the Rise: 7 Tips to Protect Your Website Against Malware

Malicious software—or malware—has become an unpleasant part of our digitally-driven lives. It’s a cyber threat we’d happily live without. But it’s not going away in a hurry, so you need to know how to deal with it.

61% of organizations experienced a ransomware attack that led to at least a partial disruption of business operations in 2021.

This tells us that malware attacks are on the rise, and that they can easily spread across networks and wreak havoc for businesses. Ransomware, a particularly malicious form of malware, is also on the rise. Hackers often prefer using ransomware as opposed to more traditional viruses because of the large potential payoff. Statistics show that ransomware payments now exceed $1 billion per year. Making them significantly more lucrative for criminals than classic malware operations—and more devastating for businesses too. read more...

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5 Ways to Protect Data When Hit By a Ransomware
29 July 2021
5 Ways to Protect Data When Hit By a Ransomware

Have you ever wondered what course of action you would choose if your data were to be attacked by ransomware?

Let’s be realistic; though this worst fear of yours has fortunately not manifested yet, you cannot entirely dismiss the possibility of a ransomware attack for a multitude of reasons.

Here are 5 important ways to protect your data when hit by ransomware. read more...

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Top 7 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Training Matters
6 July 2021
Top 7 Reasons Why Cybersecurity Training Matters

As the average online user browses through social media pages, does online shopping, or proceeds with distance learning at the university, the cybersecurity concerns are not that evident.

However, once a serious threat comes up, people usually appear totally helpless as they do not know how to deal with fraud or how to protect their privacy. It is only natural that when the talk goes about personal business or enterprise data leaks, it can become a serious issue. It is one of the reasons why people should consider at least basic cybersecurity training to become aware of their personal and workplace safety. read more...

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4 Signs You're Dealing With a Phishing Website
17 June 2021
4 Signs You're Dealing With a Phishing Website

Phishing websites are tools that cybercriminals use to steal personal information. They trick people into disclosing their passwords, phone numbers, credit card details, etc.

For example, phishing websites can mimic Netflix and ask you to update your payment details or require you to log in to your PayPal account to update information. read more...

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8 Ways to Defend Your Business Against DDoS Attacks
16 June 2021
8 Ways to Defend Your Business Against DDoS Attacks

Business safety and online security is a major issue nowadays, due to the significant number of ways and methods hackers and attackers can penetrate our systems.

Securing data and maintaining a regular flow of work online is something many businesses struggle with. Naturally, there are ways... read more...

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