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Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends & Emerging Threats in 2023
25 May 2021
Top 10 Cybersecurity Trends & Emerging Threats in 2023

As we head deeper into 2023, the increasing frequency and sophistication of cyberattacks are keeping cybersecurity teams on their tiptoes. The recent Sunburst hack, the cyberattack against U.S. government agencies, seems to have taken the spotlight because of its high-profile targets and the sensitive nature of the data compromised. Determining the true impact of the attack and its future implications could take years.

Cyberattacks are becoming the weapon of choice for nation-states, businesses need to amplify their cybersecurity efforts to avoid getting caught in the crossfire.

Here are the top 10 cybersecurity trends that all security stakeholders must keep in mind to stay ahead of the ever-changing threat landscape: read more...

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Malware, fishing and public Wi-Fi top the list of cyber threats in 2023
17 May 2021
Malware, fishing and public Wi-Fi top the list of cyber threats in 2023

Data breach is a term that everyone using the internet knows these days. And some people are very casual about it. Well, basically the problem is, you do not know the depths of the water until you start drowning.

So, before it is too late start learning to swim. What we are trying to tell you here is that sharing your data with Facebook, Google is another thing but allowing security threats and making your computer or gadgets prone to hackers is another thing.

So here are some internet security facts that everyone should know while they are accessing the internet. read more...

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7 Tips To Avoid Online Scams
15 February 2021
7 Tips To Avoid Online Scams

Online scams are more common than you might think. Just because you are aware of the potential threats and have taken the necessary measures, it does not mean that other people have done the same.
No, there are plenty of individuals who end up making poor decisions and suffer for it by having their personal data exposed. More people should pay attention to their activities online. Hopefully, the tips mentioned below should help prevent scams online. read more...

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5 Most Effective Tips To Protect Your MacBook From Hackers
8 February 2021
5 Most Effective Tips To Protect Your MacBook From Hackers

One of the most incredible things about MacBooks is its unique security system. We want to talk about the security system itself, which takes care of the entire system and keeps all the devices attached to your MacBook save.

Here are the 5 most effective tips to protect your MacBook from hackers read more...

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How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam
28 December 2020
How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam

The susceptibility of online businesses to eCommerce scams is an unfortunate part of running the business.

The use of tools like VPN and ReCAPTCHA can help to secure user privacy and log in. Stay conversant with cyber hacking best practices and do all you can to prevent it from happening and minimizing the impact in case it does. read more...

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Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For
17 November 2020
Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For

The years 2020-2022 will forever remain branded in our minds not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic but also because of the aftermath of this crisis. One of the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis is the rise in cybercrime.
The question right now is how to update cybersecurity toolkit to be able to handle the emerging cyber threats. The best way to stay ahead of security breaches is knowledge. read more...

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7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Security
5 November 2020
7 Bad Habits That Are Killing Your Security

Bad habits, everybody has them. Whether it’s convenience, laziness, security fatigue or just apathy, we all develop bad computing habits over the years, which could be detrimental to our security posture.

Here are 7 of the most common security-related bad habits that can be the most harmful to your overall security: read more...

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Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?
4 November 2020
Cyberwarfare Is Being Waged on the Internet - Is Your PC Prepared for Battle?

The moment you connected your computer to the Internet, you placed it on the 'cyber' battlefield. You might not want to fight in a cyber war, you probably just want to browse the web and check Facebook in peace, but simply by connecting your computer to the Internet, you have placed it, and everything on it, 'in harm's way'.

Would you send a soldier off to battle without body armor? No, so don't send your computer out into the fray unprotected. The enemy doesn't care what country you claim as your own, they don't care that behind the screen is a 65 year-old grandmother who loves to knit sweaters and watch funny cat videos.

So ask yourself the question: Is my computer ready for battle? read more...

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5 Ways to Make Your Device a Less Attractive Hacker Target
21 October 2020
5 Ways to Make Your Device a Less Attractive Hacker Target

Hackers seem to be everywhere these days, on the news, in the movies. You can’t turn around without seeing a news story about a major data breach or massive hacking attack that took down a huge company’s online operations.

So the question is, what can you do to make your computer a less attractive target to a hacker. read more...

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Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know
11 October 2020
Top 7 Cyber Threats Every Webmaster Should Know

It’s surprising but hackers attack 2,244 times a day. Financial losses related to cybercrime are projected to reach $6 trillion annually by 2021. These impressive figures imply that business owners realize the damage their organizations might face due to cyberattacks. Alas, more than 77% of companies do not have a cybersecurity incident response plan and their IT teams have no clue how to respond to their websites’ attacks.

We’ll list the greatest threats to watch out for to keep your business protected read more...

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