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Malware, fishing and public Wi-Fi top the list of cyber threats in 2023
17 May 2021
Malware, fishing and public Wi-Fi top the list of cyber threats in 2023

Data breach is a term that everyone using the internet knows these days. And some people are very casual about it. Well, basically the problem is, you do not know the depths of the water until you start drowning.

So, before it is too late start learning to swim. What we are trying to tell you here is that sharing your data with Facebook, Google is another thing but allowing security threats and making your computer or gadgets prone to hackers is another thing.

So here are some internet security facts that everyone should know while they are accessing the internet. read more...

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7 Tips To Avoid Online Scams
15 February 2021
7 Tips To Avoid Online Scams

Online scams are more common than you might think. Just because you are aware of the potential threats and have taken the necessary measures, it does not mean that other people have done the same.
No, there are plenty of individuals who end up making poor decisions and suffer for it by having their personal data exposed. More people should pay attention to their activities online. Hopefully, the tips mentioned below should help prevent scams online. read more...

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5 Most Effective Tips To Protect Your MacBook From Hackers
8 February 2021
5 Most Effective Tips To Protect Your MacBook From Hackers

One of the most incredible things about MacBooks is its unique security system. We want to talk about the security system itself, which takes care of the entire system and keeps all the devices attached to your MacBook save.

Here are the 5 most effective tips to protect your MacBook from hackers read more...

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5 Tips To Kick Hackers Out And Keep Them Out
3 February 2021
5 Tips To Kick Hackers Out And Keep Them Out

If you have an email account, use Facebook, Twitter, download iTunes, or do anything on a computer that is connected to the Internet, you too could be hacked.

Here are things you should do if someone has stolen account information, or you receive a warning notice an account has been hacked. Even if you have not been hacked, many of these steps can help protect you in the future. read more...

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How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam
28 December 2020
How to Protect Your Online Business from Scam

The susceptibility of online businesses to eCommerce scams is an unfortunate part of running the business.

The use of tools like VPN and ReCAPTCHA can help to secure user privacy and log in. Stay conversant with cyber hacking best practices and do all you can to prevent it from happening and minimizing the impact in case it does. read more...

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5 Network Security Tips for the Paranoid
14 December 2020
5 Network Security Tips for the Paranoid

As we've seen in the news lately, it appears that the fear of Big Brother watching everyone's online activity is not necessarily such a paranoid conspiracy theory after all.
So, what's an average law-abiding citizen concerned about their right to online privacy to do to protect themselves?
Well, that's what we're going to talk about.

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4 Security Measures Hackers Don't Want To Encounter
12 December 2020
4 Security Measures Hackers Don't Want To Encounter

Hackers have been all over the news lately, whether it’s a major hacker collective, a lone wolf hacker, or some “script kiddies” just hacking for the thrill of it, hackers seem to be hitting us from all angles.

Are there any defenses against the savvy hacker or even the amateur one? 

Let’s look at several things that hackers hate to see a target have in place as security measures: read more...

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10 Solutions to Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Fraudsters
20 November 2020
10 Solutions to Prevent Ransomware Attacks from Fraudsters

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that digital adoption increases digital risk.
Ransomware is a very common security threat distributed by criminal-minded cyber offenders through phishing emails or online downloads that usually have malicious code. As soon as the infection begins, the legitimate owners lost access to their sensitive data. Your access will be renewed only if you pay a fee. read more...

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Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For
17 November 2020
Top 2023 Cyber Threats To Look For

The years 2020-2022 will forever remain branded in our minds not only because of the COVID-19 pandemic but also because of the aftermath of this crisis. One of the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis is the rise in cybercrime.
The question right now is how to update cybersecurity toolkit to be able to handle the emerging cyber threats. The best way to stay ahead of security breaches is knowledge. read more...

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8 Ways How to Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Attacks
16 November 2020
8 Ways How to Reduce the Risk of Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks were increased by 41% last year,and this figure is expected to increase in future. The ransomware kits are easily available on the dark web .
The best way to reduce the risk of ransomware attacks is to stop it before it infects our devices and systems. Adopting a proactive approach is still the best defense. Since we can't predict what future holds for us, all we can do is protect ourselves by ensuring safe surfing practices. read more...

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