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5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN
28 September 2020
5 Reasons to Protect Your Private Data With a VPN

Getting a VPN can help you reduce risks connected to your privacy. As your device connects you to a VPN server located in any country of the world, you get to surf the Internet with that server's location, not your real one. As a result, your internet connection becomes more secure. So, what are the main reasons you should protect your private data with a VPN? read more...

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How to Use Instagram If Your IP Address is Banned
23 September 2020
How to Use Instagram If Your IP Address is Banned

Instagram (and all web service that you connect with) can get to know a lot of information about you from your IP address. If you have been told before that you don’t have a face on the internet, I have come to tell you that’s not true. In fact, you’re very well known. An online service... read more...

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Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN for TikTok in 2021?
17 September 2020
Why Trust.Zone is the Best VPN for TikTok in 2021?

Some countries decided to ban TikTok due to security and/or cultural reasons. India, Pakistan, and Indonesia already disabled TikTok, while Australia is probably going to do the same thing in the months to come. Most importantly, President Donald Trump issued an executive order that practically bans the app in the US.

This is exactly why so many people use a VPN to activate TikTok regardless of their physical locations. If you are thinking about doing the same thing, you should learn why Trust.Zone is the best VPN platform for TikTok read more...

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Do Cryptocurrency Bans Lead to Rising VPN Use?
20 June 2019
Do Cryptocurrency Bans Lead to Rising VPN Use?

Big Brother Wants to Know What You’re Doing: As the cryptocurrency industry continues to gain steam, governments have become interested in regulating this currency and forcing technology companies to help monitor online activity of the general public.

These proposed regulations will almost certainly inhibit the open trading nature of cryptocurrencies, thereby negating the twin purposes of security and anonymity on which they were based.

VPN is a viable way to use crypto anywhere around the globe. With a VPN like Trust.Zone, internet users may pay for the online services with bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies with no risk to be blocked. read more...

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How to use a VPN in Qatar?
8 May 2018
How to use a VPN in Qatar?

Internet usage in Qatar has skyrocketed, but Internet access is also heavily censored. The country’s filters primarily ban material that could be considered critical of Islam. 

Besides that, Qatar authorities restricted access to political criticism, dating services, sexual health resources, gay and lesbian content and etc. Access to social networking websites is limited.  If you plan on travelling to Qatar, sign up for a VPN before you go to acccess your favorite websites in Qatar, and prevent your activity from being monitored. read more...

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How to Access Medium and Wordpress in China?
14 November 2017
How to Access Medium and Wordpress in China?

Blogging service Medium is not available in China anymore – according to recent reports. Majority of Medium users in China confirmed that Medium has been blocked by Great Firewall in China. Experts suppose that the main reason is a recent Medium update, allowing publishers to host their content on the site.  It means the blogs that may have previously been banned in the region to become available to internet users in China. A few days ago, Time and The Economist were also blocked by Chinese authorities. The websites were blocked as a result of recently published articles about China.


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VPNs Could Be Blocked in Australia?
22 June 2017
VPNs Could Be Blocked in Australia?

Virtual private networks (VPN) could be blocked under new copyright and privacy law being considered by the Senate in Australia.

It may affect a lot of Australian users who used VPN service to unblock websites and bypass geo restrictions. The high increase in VPN usage is happening because Australians are becoming tracked from government agencies online more often every day.


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How to Overcome Internet Censorship with a VPN?
10 December 2016
How to Overcome Internet Censorship with a VPN?

Online censorship takes many forms. Government agencies may block regular foreign e-mail services in order to enforce citizens to use government e-mail that can be easily tracked.  Companies may prevent employees from visiting Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social networks.  Campuses may restrict access to social networoks and etc read more...

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How to Unblock WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Snapchat and Telegram with a VPN?
19 October 2016
How to Unblock WhatsApp, Viber, Skype, Snapchat and Telegram with a VPN?

Recently, Brazil has banned the popular messaging application WhatsApp. Judge in Brazil issued a court order blocking the WhatsApp for 72 hours in the whole country. This case had a short term and successful conclusion. It’s still banned in UAE, Qatar. There are many connectivity issues with WhatsApp, Viber and Skype in China. Last year the UK PM David Cameron expressed a desire to ban WhatsApp, Snapchat, iMessage in the UK.

With a VPN internet users are able to unblock any VoIP and text messaging services like WhatsApp, Snapchat, Viber, Telegram and other. Here is guide how to overcome censorship and blocking of chat applications.


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How to Unblock Websites in Saudi Arabia with a VPN
11 June 2016
How to Unblock Websites in Saudi Arabia with a VPN

Internet usage in Saudi Arabia has increased, but Internet access is also heavily censored by government. 
In 2014, Reporters Without Borders describes Saudi Arabiagovernment as "relentless in its censorship of the media and the Internet", and ranked Saudi Arabia 164-th out of 180 countries for freedom of the press.
The country’s filters primarily ban material that could be considered critical of Islam.  Besides that, Saudi Arabis's authorities block political criticism, dating services, sexual health resources, gay and lesbian content and etc. Access to social networking websites is limited. read more...

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