<< Toutes les publications1 avril 2024
Nowadays, pandemic obstacles have shown a surge in online education. Some individuals used to worry about the validity and quality of online teaching. Today, it is becoming more and more commonplace. Much of this is due to the fact that online institutions must go through a stringent certification procedure.
The benefits of technology in online education are immense. Developing e-learning creates a completely different approach to schooling. en savoir plus...
10 juillet 2021
As you already know, VPN is a simple tool that protects your online privacy by hiding your location and encrypting your traffic. There are many reasons to use this technology. You will protect your data from hackers, access any streaming content, buy plane tickets at the best price, and much more.
If you’re going to try a VPN while studying, then you’ve come to the right place. The best VPNs are simple enough for everyone to use them, and it’s worth it. Our guide will teach you everything a VPN beginner needs to know. en savoir plus...
13 avril 2021
Since digitalization becomes a massive part of our life and the process fastens because of pandemic outbreaks in 2020-2021, more and more businesses proceed with remote working. In turn, remote work widens the list of potential risks for employers and requires more cybersecurity.
Being a skilled cybersecurity specialist after getting a quality education in this area, you can earn from USD 80,000 to 160,000 per year (the average salary for a cybersecurity analyst position in the US.) en savoir plus...
1 février 2021
Due to the threat of infection the authorities recommended transferring employees to remote work. In addition, they required schools and other educational institutions to do distance learning. Pandemic forced to make a number of decisions that require people and various industries to adapt to new circumstances. For example, remote work and distance learning are used in many countries around the world. However, such a scale of use as now has not been observed before.
We highlight the following recommendations to protect your data during online edication en savoir plus...
5 janvier 2021
We know hackers have more interest in gaining access to servers of businesses than educational institutions. However, every personal information stored on the internet is worth protecting.
Schools collect loads of their students’ data and are obligated by law to ensure their safety. With an increase in remote teaching, it is very important now more than ever for teachers to pay attention to student’s data privacy. en savoir plus...