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15 Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers
29 Июля 2020
15 Cybersecurity Tips for Remote Workers

Freelancers already know how remote work works. They learned how their circadian rhythm works, and they function in perfect synergy with it.

But what happens with all those office workers, who are forced to work from home in these challenging times?

If you’re a business owner who turned to remote work at this time, you should provide support to your employees. It’s not just about remote work productivity. It’s mostly about security. Your employees will be accessing important business files from home. If any of that data gets compromised, your business will be in trouble. подробнее...

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Internet Security Risks – 5 Threats to Be Aware Of
6 Июля 2020
Internet Security Risks – 5 Threats to Be Aware Of

Hackers, fraudsters, and malware engineers work tirelessly to come up with new attack vectors which often randomly target websites and businesses in unpredictable ways.

The best way to protect your network from illicit intrusions and malware is to stay in touch with the latest internet risk trends. Being aware of which viruses, scams, and attack vectors are currently trending will allow you to respond to occasional intrusion attempts more efficiently. подробнее...

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5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home
23 Июня 2020
5 Tips for Cybersecurity While You Work from Home

Nobody could ever think that in 2020 we will be obliged to nestle at our homes for months. And the end of the isolation is not even on the horizon. But this is the reality, and the only option left for the employers is to let their workers work from home.

Working from home has numerous nuances. And one of them is data security. подробнее...

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5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them
18 Июня 2020
5 Common Data Security Blunders and How to Combat Them

The vast majority of data security failures are preventable with foresight and precaution. Overcoming the seemingly complex nature of data security by understanding the value of Virtual Private Networks or centralising your data security are key steps to creating a secure data environment for any organisation or individual. подробнее...

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How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix
17 Июня 2020
How to Know If Your Smartphone has been Hacked and How To Fix

It is important to ensure the security of the information in our smartphones. Our privacy must be protected and our account details should be secure. The security of such information is paramount.

Some of the signs that your phone has been hacked are discussed below. подробнее...

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5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices
12 Июня 2020
5 Ways to Secure Your Smart Home & IoT Devices

The Internet of Things, or IoT devices, have already been a big part of people’s everyday lives, allowing them to accomplish tasks with greater ease and at faster times. Unfortunately, with these great miracles of technology, comes increasing vulnerability and potential insecurity. And with all the devices of smart home that people will use on a daily basis, the vulnerability and insecurity has increased along with the growing number of devices being used.

Here are five ways to make sure that you’re securing your personal IoT devices & smart home against hackers and digital intruders. подробнее...

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How to Execute a Spotless Cybersecurity Strategy for Your Venture
21 Апреля 2020
How to Execute a Spotless Cybersecurity Strategy for Your Venture

Whether your brand operates as a retail company with minimal web presence or a service-based business such as cloud data management, online banking or client servicing, cybersecurity represents a clear precaution worth investing in.

According to Cyber Defense Magazine, 43% of all cyberattacks are aimed at small businesses, while only 38% of global organizations claim to have the means and precautions in place for a possible cyber threat. подробнее...

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8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers
21 Августа 2019
8 Best Ways to Protect Yourself from Hackers

Are there things I can do to protect myself from these hackers?

Here are 8 ways you can protect yourself from hackers: use a VPN service, regularly update your operating system, avoid using public Wi-Fi, have strong and unique passwords for all your accounts and many more подробнее...

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Personal Data Under Attack by New Australian Privacy Bill
31 Мая 2019
Personal Data Under Attack by New Australian Privacy Bill

Internet users are besieged from all directions by online privacy threats.

Governments have nervously taken note of this trend and have created legislation pertaining to data security, online privacy and the internet. Though such legislation claims to be an effort to protect personal data, the attempts have drawn criticism as clumsy and misguided.

For Aussies, the Assistance and Access (AA) Bill of 2018 is an example. The bill massively expanded the Australian government’s power to gather and access data, especially encrypted data. подробнее...

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Security Experts from 42 Countries Urge World Leaders to Reject Software Backdoors
20 Декабря 2017
Security Experts from 42 Countries Urge World Leaders to Reject Software Backdoors

Cyber activists, experts and companies from 42 countries issued an open letter against government plans to weaken encryption and force the use of backdoors. 195 experts, firms and civil-society groups signed the letter claiming that people should have the option to use the strongest encryption available without fear that governments will compel access to their communications without due process and respect for human rights.


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